
Case Study: "Pandora", 20s from Australia


Young woman in her early 20's.
PTSD, trauma post accident, ADHD, extreme anxiety and chronic pain and inflammation.
Skin conditions and sensory issues.


  • Anxiety
  • Eating Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Gut Health Issues
  • Skin Conditions
  • Hormonal Challenges And Disorders
  • Trauma PTSD

What we did

NC Gut protocol to start heal the gut lining, reconnected her to self care, preparing food, learning about nutrition and investing in feeding herself and others, first to challenge and address sensory issues but also as an act of self care. Supplementation to support liver and hormonal regulation. Regulation of BM and circadian rhythm regulation and return.
Narrative and somatic psych work to address trauma, fear and drivers to ADHD.
Exercise physiology and yoga for stimulating digestion, building muscle tone and improving self esteem.